Casino and Horse Racing functions are a fantastic, fun and interactive way to fundraise, with immense potential to raise big funds. We have had enormous success with fundraising events; quite often the clients will do repeat business with us each year.
Love 2 Party enterprises to see you have an extremely entertaining and tremendously successful fundraiser within your allocated budget. We will discuss all the elements and have you understanding your role as the organiser and together we create a night to remember and a successful fundraising evening.
Some fundraising ideas for you are:
Charge a ticket price that covers your food, entertainment expenses etc. A recent client charged $50 per head and found that was successful for them and others have charged more and less than that and offered more inclusions or very little.
Maybe have local business ‘Sponsor’ a table each (they pay for a casino table hire) and the business can have their business name, banner and/or a thank you plaque placed on the table for the function. This option allows more proceeds to go directly to the fundraising.
We ensure we provide a format to optimise fundraising at the tables. We can have a FUN leader board running throughout the evening and guests love getting involved.
You can offer incentives to those booking tables (maybe extra funny money on the night) or you could have an Early Bird Special ticket price.
We have found in the past, the successful fundraising events target volume of guests and funny money donations; rather than higher ticketing prices.
Incorporating Raffles tickets into the play on the table and the overall event is also a lot of fun and a great way to offer prizes to guests.
PUBLICITY is the key factor and lots of it, as you most probably realise.
Donations for Funny Money (an example $10 for $1000 worth) to play with at the tables.
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